Step1 – Accessing the ACI Visore tool
login to ACI and right click under your username(Extreme right) -> Object store browser
Step2 – This will open visore console, login with ACI credentials.
Note- ***All the queries are case sensitive
Step3 – Using the Visore to display results
For ex- If you want to see all the tenants in ACI fabric, use below query.
Above mentioned query will display all ACI tenants in fabric. If you want to see xml code for query, you can click on display URI of last query. (You can see how to use postman article to use these queries with postman)
Step4 – Display all BD belongs to a specific tenant
Example- In this case, we want to see all BD defined in fabric with name contains abc (Note- It is best practice to keep a specific keyword in all BD & EPG for a specific tenant so that you can search them with keyword)
Step5- Display all VRF belongs to a specific tenant
Ex- Below query will list all the VRF belongs to a specific tenant (Remember keep a keyword for all tenant specific VRF, for ex- Tenant ABC so vrf name will be ABC-Internal/ABC-DMZ etc so I can search all VRF with ketword ABC)
Step6- Display all the EPG belongs to a specific tenant
Similarly you can find lot of other resources through visore tool, please see below more
L3Out – l3extOut
Contracts – vzBrCP
I hope this article will help you to explore ACI visore, I will be keep adding more details in this article.